My initial thoughts? A great read for anyone who’s relationship skills are not their forte. 

How To Win Friends & Influence People delves into the simple, but not easily mastered, concepts of human interaction. From discussing “Fundamental Techniques in Handling People” to winning people to your way of thinking, Carnegie makes use of personal and historical events to showcase how the use of these concepts can drastically change the outcome of a situation.

Most Notable Concept

Principle 6: Make The Other Person Feel Important and Do It Sincerely

Carnegie points out that we all have a “deep desire to feel important” which in a sense is true. This does not make one self-centered or arrogant but if each one of us can recognize this simple fact, the world may be a much happier place. If we can take 5 minutes to be sincere and not so “let’s get to the point” driven we may just close the deal with a lot more ease than if we were to just focus on the sale. Carnegie’s point is to show some level of admiration but be genuine about it; it shouldn’t be forced. One of the easiest ways to do this is to talk to people about themselves. Ask a genuine question, listen actively, and follow up with more questions about that person instead of bringing the attention to yourself. People naturally want to talk about themselves so when they are given a “platform” to do so, they feel a certain level of importance.

You can’t be afraid to converse with CEO’s, Investors, Business Owners, etc. about something that may seem “off topic” when that simple sincerity may just be what set’s you apart from others.

How To Win Friends & Influence People is consistently recommended by entrepreneurs & motivational speakers and I now see why. This book is organized in a fashion that allows the reader to treat it as a “guide” or as reference material whenever they see fit. I personally will be re-reading and dissecting each chapter so that I may apply each principle to my own life.